3km away from our accommodation

      Medvědí skála

      Medvědí skály is a separate rock formation. The rock formation was created by frost weathering, which causes low temperatures, strong winds and the sun.

      19km away from our accommodation

      Vodopád na Černém potoce

      The Černý potok waterfall is located on the northern side of the Jizera Mountains, where it is surrounded by the steep slopes of the Frýdlant battlements. Since 1999, the area has been declared a national nature reserve, today NPR Jizerskohorské bučiny. The waterfall of the highest part reaches a height of up to 7 meters.


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      Hotel Sherwood s. r. o., 08761981, CZ08761981, Vojkovice 65, 362 73, Vojkovice nad Ohří